Solar Power Energy System

Photovoltaic Panels (PV)

Have you ever wondered how electricity is produced by photovoltaic cell (PV) panels?

A Solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a devise that converts light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.

 The PV effect was discovered in 1954, when scientists at Bell Telephone revealed that silicone when exposed to sunlight created an electric charge.

Silicone is the most abundant element on earth after oxygen. Silicone makes up 27.7% of the crust by mass.

Photovoltaic cells (PV);

Traditional solar cells are made from silicon. Second generation solar cells are called thin - film cells these are made from amorphous silicon or non silicon material such as cadmium telluride. Thin film solar cells are layers of semi conducting material only few micrometers thick. Thin film solar cells because of their flexibility can be incorporated into the roof tiles, glazing and building facades .Third generation solar cells are now being made from a variety of new materials, which include solar inks, solar dyes, and conductive plastics.  Solar cell plastic lenses and mirrors are being developed to concentrate sunlight onto very small pieces of high efficiency PV material. The material for this method is more expensive, but so little is needed. This type of system is now becoming cost effective for use by industry and utilities.

In all cases when light shines on the cell an electric field is created across the layers. The electricity generated can then be used to power appliances and lighting in your home and for much smaller items like calculators and watches. Solar cells are also used to power Wireless communications, space satellites, boats, caravans and remote buildings.Utility companies are now using PV technology for large power stations.

For your home, the best performance attached the PV cell panels to a roof or wall, that isn’t over shadowed by trees or buildings. The sunnier the position the more energy can be generated. However, you can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. This means, but not always positioning the panels facing south.

   Find out our to build your own solar power . [Open in new window]

PV production has been doubling every two years, since 2002, there as been on average an increase of 48% each year. It’s become the world’s fastest growing energy technology.

The strength of a photovoltaic cell can be measured in kilowatt peak (kWp) – that’ the amount of energy the cell can generate in full sunlight. A typical home with a roof area of around 20m2 is capable of generating 2kWp of power.

Fitting a photovoltaic cell system to your building is like owning your own roof top power station. It will also help to reduce your carbon footprint.A carbon footprint is “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly by an individual, or organization.

  Once the size of your carbon foot print is known, a strategy can be found to reduce it.

One way of reducing your carbon emissions is by installing projects such as solar or wind energy to manage your carbon footprint.

Once you’ve paid for the initial costs of the installation either by retail or Do It Yourself,  your electricity costs will be greatly reduced.

Your home PV system can produce around 50% of the electricity it uses in a year. If your system produces more electricity than you need, or you can’t use the excess can be exported to the grid and payment can usually be received for this. Where the building is not grid connected, the surplus electricity is stored in batteries.

Learn the secrets of building your own solar panels for a fraction of the cost of retail.

There are step-by-step guides that will show you exactly how to build your own PV system, even if you’re not “technically inclined”.

Almost anyone can do this, even if they have no solar experience?

You can construct 60 to 120 watt Solar Panels for under $200. Thousands of people have successfully built their own PV panels.

You will be the envy of your friends and family when they see what you have created. You could cut your energy bills in half or eliminate  them.


Save money, save the environment go Green and start building your own PV solar power panels. 

  Find out how to build your own solar power . [Open in new window]

                                                               5 Good Reasons of building your own Solar Panel system. [Open in new window]
 1. It works - Thousands of people have successfully built their own solar energy.

 2. Saves Money - You save money when you don’t spend thousands on a
“Retail solar system “.

 3. Go Green
– Reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

 4. Save Energy- You could cut your energy bills in half, or even completely get rid of them.

 5. Its Fun- Just wait until your friends and family see what you have created.
                                              FInd the secrets of building your own Solar Panel system.. [Open in new window]